Congratulations Shawn Speicher First Place March

Congratulations Shawn Speicher First Place March

Congratulations to Shawn Speicher for placing first in Top Gun’s March Flying Event. Shawn has had two great events so far this year, and he smoked the field this month scoring 4,982 out of 5,000 points available. Shawn is preparing for US Nationals in June, and I think he may be just getting warmed up! Second Place went to Keith Takach with 4,214 points and in Third Place was John Wilson with 4,065 points. We had 17 pilots participating in this month’s event. Thank you to Zerek Wells our Event Director, and our entire Event Staff for putting on another great Top Gun Weekend.

Follow this link to see the Year to Date Club Ranking, Individual Task Results, March Overall Results, and the Task Data Sheet.

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